Maria Mudd Ruth

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The Shape of Beginnings & Endings

The monkfish, or goosefish, lays this billowing veil containing 1 million pinhead-size eggs. Such veils drift in the ocean for days and can reach 60 feet in length. Credit: New England Aquarium via

This LIDAR (Laser Interferometry Detection and Ranging) image shows the historic channels and meanderings of a section of the Willamette River in Oregon.  Credit:  Dan Coe/ Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries. Order a poster version here.


Filamentous remnant of an explosion of the Vela Supernova 10,000-12,000 years ago. Credit: Earth Science Picture of the Day 

These three images appeared to me electronically within the span of twenty-four hours--one on someone else's SmartPhone and two in my e-mail inbox.

I have written several sentences in this space, but have deleted all but this one.