What a whirlwind over the past six months. I’m happy to provide an update from my last post: Dave Upthegrove won the election for Washington State Commission or Public Lands. This is good news for our state forests and possibly good news for the endangered Marbled Murrelet. Dave’s first action in office was to place a six-month moratorium on logging of certain structurally complex mature forests—the kind these seabirds typically nest in.
Speaking of seabirds, I’ve just finished writing a book on the Pigeon Guillemot, the wild-and-crazy cousin of the shy Marbled Murrelet. My book takes a deep dive into the natural history of the guillemot (pronounced gill-uh-mott) and the work of the Salish Sea Guillemot Network. Since 2013, I’ve been a part of this network, which runs a community-science program focussing on the guillemots during their summer breeding season in the Salish Sea. I’m one of some 250 volunteers in the network who spend an hour each week watching the guillemots at their breeding sites in the bluffs, on the beach, and in the nearshore waters.
Over many summers, I’ve learned so much about the guillemot and discovered a deeply satisfying way of birding. I’ve never been drawn to checklisting, but love birding with a group of enthusiastic, curious, and dedicated Guillemoteers. My book is being published in April 2016 by the wonderful Mountaineers Books.
Yes, Pigeon Guillemots is a detour from my plan to write a book on lakes and lake swimming in Washington. But the guilllemots were calling.
Pigeon Guillemots on high alert. (Photo courtesy of Hillary Smith)