Grays Harbor Shorebird Festival Talk
7:30 PM19:30

Grays Harbor Shorebird Festival Talk

  • Grays Harbor Historical Seaport (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join me to learn all about the Pigeon Guillemot—not technically a shorebird, but a seabird that comes to shore during its breeding season each spring and summer. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you might try community-science birding. The presentation, “My Big Decade: One Seabird, One Place, One Community” will be at the Grays Harbor Historical Seaport, 500 N Custer St, Aberdeen, WA 98520. Talk is 7:30-9 p.m. Dinner before starts at 5:30. Information and tickets to either/both dinner and talk can be found here: (Photo of guillemots courtesy Hillary Smith)

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8:00 AM08:00

Sound Waters University Talk

29th Annual Sound Waters University: Resilience– from the Old Growth Trees to the Life of the Salish Sea. The Camano and Whidbey Island Sound Stewards invite you this all-day event to learn about the ability of the Salish Sea ecosystem to withstand and adapt to climate change, pollution, and habitat loss. I’ll be speaking (via Zoom) for an hour about the endangered Marbled Murrelet and the abundant and “watchable” Pigeon Guillemot, two seabirds that inhabit the waters of the Salish Sea and come inland to nest—one on the branches of old-growth trees, the other in burrows in bluffs and rocky crevices. More info on other speakers, classes, and field trips coming soon.

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A Sideways Look at Clouds @ Harstine Island Community Club
12:00 PM12:00

A Sideways Look at Clouds @ Harstine Island Community Club

Under a cloud? On Cloud 9? Love watching clouds? Ever wonder why there are so many kinds of clouds or why they have such long Latin names?

Join Olympia natural-history writer Maria Mudd Ruth for presentation on these shape-shifting natural wonders that dazzle and often befuddle us. Maria’s latest book, A Sideways Look at Clouds (Mountaineers Books, 2017) blends science and humor to give the lay reader new ways to better appreciate the clouds.

Maria is the author of more than a dozen books including Rare Bird: Pursuing the Mystery of the Marbled Murrelet. 

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Clouds Over Oregon's High Desert
6:00 PM18:00

Clouds Over Oregon's High Desert

Join me for the first installment of the High Desert Speaker Series in Bend! Come to the Tower Theatre to take a tour of clouds in Oregon’s high desert and the wide-open, wild landscapes that make for spectacular cloud viewing. Learn what makes the clouds so dynamic, so varied, and so universally appealing. What are clouds made of? Is there an easy way to learn their confusing Latin names? How can you enjoy the clouds in a new light on your next high desert adventure?

I’ll be joined by Jeremy Austin, ONDA’s Policy Manager, will illuminate why Oregon’s high desert provides unparalleled opportunities to view clouds, and how these clouds are part of a water system that supports life from the banks of desert rivers to the sagebrush steppe.

Doors open at 6 p.m.; event starts at 7 p.m.

Click here for tickets and information on this presentation and the Tower Theatre (835 NW Wall St. Bend, OR).

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7:00 PM19:00

Celebration of Life & Poetry of Mary Oliver

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Join Nikki McClure, Corinna Luyken, John Dodge, Kathleen Byrd, Sady Sparks, me and others from the Olympia community for this reading of Mary Oliver’s poems. Much-loved poet Mary Oliver died Thursday, January 17, 2019 at age 83. Oliver won many awards for her poems, which often explore the link between nature and the spiritual world; she also won a legion of loyal readers who found both solace and joy in her work. Light refreshments and mingling afterwards.

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7:00 PM19:00

Writers Under Pressure... Atmospheric & Otherwise

Things are looking up! John Dodge and I get very excited about storms, clouds, and the PNW Skies.

Things are looking up! John Dodge and I get very excited about storms, clouds, and the PNW Skies.

Join Olympians John Dodge, author of A Deadly Wind (OSU Press, 2018) and Maria Ruth, author of A Sideways Look at Clouds (Mountaineers Books, 2017) at Browsers Bookshop for a conversation about wind storms, clouds, and challenges these writers faced writing about—and under—the powerful force of pressure. This event will include light refreshments, Q&A, and book sales and signing.

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Losing Our "Marbleds"
7:00 PM19:00

Losing Our "Marbleds"

Join me at the Whatcom Museum in Bellingham for my presentation to the North Cascades Audubon Society on the endangered marbled murrelet. What happens when you encounter a strange new bird? You ask a lot of questions of murrelet researchers, field biologists, forest ecologists, timber company executives, and yourself: Why does this bird matter? Why should anyone care about the murrelet? Do we have a moral obligation to save this bird or any other endangered species? Can we all move to the front line to protect earth’s beauty and biodiversity? 

In this slide-illustrated talk, I’ll talk about the natural history of the murrelet, current conservation efforts in Washington, and the important murrelet advocacy work of the Audubon community in the Pacific Northwest. This is event is free and open to the public. This a co-presentaiton by the North Cascades Audubon Society and the Whatcom Museum.  $5 suggested donation/Whatcom Museum members free.

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Tahoma Audubon Fall Speaker Series
6:30 PM18:30

Tahoma Audubon Fall Speaker Series

Join for my talk “A Sideways Look at Clouds” part of the Naturally Inspired Fall Speakers Series presented by the Tahoma Audubon Society. This programs  will be at the beautiful Tacoma Nature Center, 7:00-8:00pm (with social gathering at 6:30).  It’s fee and open to the public!

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How to Save a Murrelet
7:00 PM19:00

How to Save a Murrelet


The Seattle Audubon Society is holding its October program meeting at the Woodland Park Zoo’s Zoomazium (auditorium). I’ll be talking about now-or-never conservation issues of the marbled murrelet in Washington and explaining why your input on the state’s forest policy is so important right now. In less than an hour, you’ll be fluent in acronyms (BNR, DNR, EIS, ESA, HCP, et cetera), informed on the issues, and inspired to speak out for the protection of this endangered seabird. This will not be boring. Trust me.

Seating is limited, so please reserve your space through Seattle Audubon here.

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7:00 PM19:00

Third Place Books--Ravenna

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This wonderful novel by Cai Emmons will be out next week. Please join me and Cai for an evening of conversation about clouds, weather, science and story, intuition and inspiration. Copies of Cai’s book, Weather Woman (Red Hen Press, 2018) and my book A Sideways Look at Clouds (Mountaineers Books 2017) will be available for purchase and signing.

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A Sideways Look at Clouds @ Redmond Library
7:00 PM19:00

A Sideways Look at Clouds @ Redmond Library

Don't know much about the clouds but wish you did? After moving to the Pacific Northwest in 2006, Olympia nature writer Maria Mudd Ruth realized she knew little to nothing about clouds. Rather than continuing to take them for granted, Maria began to study these shape-shifting natural wonders with curiosity and humor. In A Sideways Look Clouds (Mountaineers Books), Maria charts a unique course into the science and meaning of clouds and offers the non-scientist ways to look at, appreciate, and talk about the clouds.

Join Maria for a lively presentation, short reading, gorgeous clouds, Q&A, and book sales/signing.

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Salon at the Center
7:30 PM19:30

Salon at the Center

  • Washington Center for the Performing Arts (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

In the tradition of Parisian salons of old, the Washington Center presents an intimate evening of music, theater, literature, and art. Local and regional masters of visual art, the written word, and music come together to share their experiences as artists and interact with you—the audience. Featuring Amy Shephard, Maria Mudd Ruth, John Dodge, Jim Lynch, Bryan Willis, and more in the Black Box Theater.

Tickets: $12. Click here to order.


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A Sideways Look at Clouds @ Herringbone Books in Redmond, OR
6:00 PM18:00

A Sideways Look at Clouds @ Herringbone Books in Redmond, OR

Why do clouds get a bad rap? Why is "cloudy" synonymous with "gloomy"? Did you know that an officially "sunny" day in eastern Oregon can include up to 15% cloud cover? Join me in Redmond, Oregon, for a talk, Q&A, and signing of my book from Mountaineers Books, A Sideways Look at Clouds. I'll be sharing some science, humor, and thoughts on following your curiosity.

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A Sideways Look at Clouds @ Roundabout Books in Bend
3:00 PM15:00

A Sideways Look at Clouds @ Roundabout Books in Bend

During the 186 days every year Bend, Oregon, is officially "sunny," the sky can be covered by 15% or less by clouds. If the clouds had better PR, this would be a "partly cloudy" day. Learn about the clouds, our fascination with them, and why we don't talk about them more at my talk, Q&A, and book signing. I'll be sharing some science, humor, and thoughts on following your curiosity.

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A Sideways Look at Clouds @ Paulina Springs Books in Sisters
6:00 PM18:00

A Sideways Look at Clouds @ Paulina Springs Books in Sisters

On Cloud Nine? Under a Cloud? Curious about these shape-shifting natural wonders we too often take for granted? Join me for talk, Q&A, and book signing. I'll be sharing some science, humor, and thoughts on following your curiosity.

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A Sideways Look at Clouds @Bothell Library
2:00 PM14:00

A Sideways Look at Clouds @Bothell Library

Don't know much about the clouds but wish you did? After moving to the Pacific Northwest in 2006, Olympia nature writer Maria Mudd Ruth realized she knew little to nothing about these shape-shifting natural wonders. Rather than continuing to take them for granted, Maria began to study these shape-shifting natural wonders with curiosity and humor. In A Sideways Look Clouds (Mountaineers Books), Maria charts a unique course into the science and meaning of clouds and offers the non-scientist ways to look at, appreciate, and talk about the clouds.

Join Maria for a slide presentation, Q&A, and book sales/signing.

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Clouds at Skagit Audubon
7:00 PM19:00

Clouds at Skagit Audubon

Birders and cloud watchers have much in common: they spend a lot of time in the field, their gaze is often skyward, and they have a good grasp of taxonomy. Yes! The clouds come in genera, species, and varieties, too! Join me and the Skagit Audubon Society in "big sky country" (Skagit County) for a program on my new non-fiction title, A Sideways Look at Clouds (Mountaineers Books, 2017). My presentation will include a talk, slides, Q&A, book sales and signing.

 This is part of the monthly program of Skagit Audubon and is free and open to the public.

7:00 Social; 7:30 Program, Padilla Bay Interpretive Center, 10441 Bayview Edison Rd, Mount Vernon, Washington


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Sideways @ Edmonds Books
12:00 PM12:00

Sideways @ Edmonds Books

Don't know much about the clouds but wish you did? After moving to the Pacific Northwest in 2006, Olympia nature writer Maria Mudd Ruth realized she knew little to nothing about clouds. Rather than continuing to take them for granted, Maria began to study these shape-shifting natural wonders with curiosity and humor. In A Sideways Look Clouds (Mountaineers Books), Maria charts a unique course into the science and meaning of clouds and offers the non-scientist ways to look at, appreciate, and talk about the clouds.

Join Maria for a lively presentation, short reading, gorgeous clouds, Q&A, and book sales/signing.

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Clouds at Olympia Library!
7:30 PM19:30

Clouds at Olympia Library!

Join me at the Olympia branch of the Timberland Regional Library for a presentation on my new book, A Sideways Look at Clouds (Mountaineers Books, Fall 2017). Much of my research on clouds came from this library:  field guides, science text books, children's books explaining (badly) what air pressure is, books on do-at-home weather-related experiments, novels involving clouds and cloud fanatics, books on painting). This library  and inter-library loan saved me thousands of dollars in research materials!  

Books will be available for sale and signing. 

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Looking Sideways @ Vashon-Maury Audubon Society
7:00 PM19:00

Looking Sideways @ Vashon-Maury Audubon Society


Curious about clouds? Mystified by Marbled Murrelets? How do you begin to learn about something you know nothing about? Join Olympia author Maria Mudd Ruth for her presentation on the her latest books, A Sideways Look at Clouds (2017) and Rare Bird: Pursuing the Mystery of the Marbled Murrelet (2013). Maria will explore the role of curiosity, honesty, humor, and personal "sideways" perspective in appreciating and understanding the natural wonders around us.

The program will feature a selection of slides featuring stunning Pacific Northwest clouds, marbled murrelets followed by Q&A, and sales/signing of her two books.

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Multi-Author Book Signing
2:00 PM14:00

Multi-Author Book Signing

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Browsers Books in Olympia is celebrating Indies First this Saturday from 2-3:30 p.m. Six of your favorite local authors--Jim Lynch, Nikki McClure, Lauren Danner, Corinna Luykens, Chris Maynard, and Maria Ruth-- will be there to sign our books, chat, sip, and support this marvelous independent bookstore in downtown Olympia.

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to Nov 19

Sideways @ The Wild Arts Festival

  • Google Calendar ICS
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Come celebrate the Audubon Society of Portland's nature-inspired art extravaganza on November 18-19. I'll be signing copies of my new book, A Sideways Look at Clouds (Mountaineers Books 2018) and Rare Bird: Pursuing the Mystery of the Marbled Murrelet (Mountaineers Books reissue 2013) on Sunday from 12 noon to 4 p.m. Come by to chat about murrelets ("fog larks) and clouds (including fog!).

This event 37th annual event is a fundraiser for the Audubon Society of Portland--the organization that spearheaded the nearly ten-year effort back in the 1980s to protect the Marbled Murrelet under the federal Endangered Species Act.

While supporting a good cause and celebrating the natural world, you can meet dozens of other authors including Molly Hashimoto, Lyanda Lynn Haupt, Robert Michael Pyle, Kathleen Dean Moore, Brenda Peterson, and Kim Stafford. Here is the full author line-up

The event is held at:  Montgomery Park, 2701 NW Vaughn, Portland, OR
10 a.m. - 6 p.m. on Saturday, November 18 | 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. on Sunday, November 19. Tickets are required.
Click here for more information on the festival.

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6:00 PM18:00

Sideways at Orca Books


Olympia's skies are classified as "cloudy" 228 days a year. What do you know about the these shape-shifting natural wonders--cumulus, stratus, cirrus, and the rest? Join me tonight (Saturday) for my presentation on A Sideways Look at Clouds--my new book of non-fiction natural history published this Fall by Mountaineers Books. 

I'll be doing a combo talk/reading/slide program/ Q&A/ book signing... and cloud-shaped cookies for everyone at Olympia's oldest indie bookstore. AND FREE FULL-COLOR CLOUD CHARTS FROM NASA/NOAA! 

Orca Books is located at 509 4th Ave E, Olympia, Washington 98501. 

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7:30 PM19:30

Sideways at Powell's Books on Hawthorne

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Curious about clouds? New to the Pacific Northwest? Forgot what you learned about clouds in 4th grade? Can't remember the Latin names? Perfect! 

Join me at Powell's Books (the Hawthorne Store) in Portland for a reading/talk/Q&A about clouds and my new book A Sideways Look at Clouds. I'll give you tips on watching clouds, talking about them, and engaging in a meaningful relationship with them. I'll be showing slides of our beautiful PNW clouds, answering your questions, and signing copies of my book. 

Powell's Books on Hawthonre is at 3723 SE Hawthorne Blvd. Portland 97214; (800) 878-7273. There are LOTS of wonderful eateries and drinkeries in the neighborhood.
For directions to store and other info click here.

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7:00 PM19:00

Sideways @ Third Place Books

What kinds of clouds are these and why does author Maria Mudd Ruth want you to look up and notice them?

What kinds of clouds are these and why does author Maria Mudd Ruth want you to look up and notice them?

Join Maria at Third Place Books in Seward Park for a reading/talk/Q&A about her newest book A Sideways Look at Clouds at this indie bookstore (the newest of the three Third Place Books stores in Seattle) Drink and food specials are available from their full-service restaurant Raconteur during the events, so grab a glass and join us! All are welcome, no purchase required.

 Third Place Books, 5041 Wilson Ave. South, Seattle, WA For directions, click here

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7:00 PM19:00

Sideways @ Village Books in Fairhaven

Believe it or not, we have hundreds of kinds of clouds, not just "rain clouds." Learn about nimbostratus (seen through a rainy windshield) and other clouds in A Sideways Look at Clouds.

Believe it or not, we have hundreds of kinds of clouds, not just "rain clouds." Learn about nimbostratus (seen through a rainy windshield) and other clouds in A Sideways Look at Clouds.

Don't know much about the clouds but wish you did? After moving to the Pacific Northwest in 2006, Olympia nature writer Maria Mudd Ruth realized she knew little to nothing about clouds. Rather than continuing to take them for granted, Maria began to study these shape-shifting natural wonders with curiosity and humor. In A Sideways Look Clouds (Mountaineers Books, September 2017), Maria charts a unique course into the science and meaning of clouds and offers the non-scientist ways to look at, appreciate, and talk about the clouds.

Join Maria for a lively presentation, short reading, gorgeous clouds, and book signing. There might even be a quiz.  Village Books is at 11th and Mill Streets in Fairhaven (south of downtown Bellingham).

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7:00 PM19:00

Sideways @ University Book Store, Seattle

After moving to the Pacific Northwest in 2006, Olympia nature writer Maria Mudd Ruth realized she knew little to nothing about clouds. Rather than continuing to take them for granted, Maria began to study these shape-shifting natural wonders. In A Sideways Look Clouds, just published by Mountaineers Books, Maria charts a unique course into the science and meaning of clouds and offers the non-scientist ways to look at, appreciate, and talk about the clouds.

Join Maria for a short reading, longer discussion, and book signing at the U-District store.

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